Last Updated: 8/23/2024
Sheepy's Terms of Service
Hello, these are my Terms of Service for the buttons down below. I also have my criteria which gives you just the whole rundown basically.If you are looking for CorvidBlack's TOS, my commission carrd or just my personalized carrd, then please click on one of these buttons below.
Genuinely, just don't be an dislikable person? Like just common sense? As someone who has dealt with so many situations with kids around my age and grown adults harassing me; if you have a issue with me please contact me privately to resolve the issue. I will not reply to unreasonable and unprofessional situationsPlease do not use my art/characters for the pure use of selling 'official’ merch or merch in general that isn’t made specifically by me and certainly do not use it for advertising.Do not draw NSFW with my Personal Characters; NSFW as in - Gore, Explicit Sexual Art, etc. This rule can be overide if you just ask me first via any of my social medias by dming or emailing me. This does not apply to my Crossover Character's or Cult of The Moon characters as they are a whole whole different story and have their own set of permissions which you can find on CorvidBlack's Terms of Service.Please do not offer on any of my character's unless they are specifically put up for offer. Adding on, I will most likely will always have my adopts/UFOs and other stuff on my one of my other toyhouse accounts x0x0Sheepy where I keep things that I don't want on my main profile or on CorvidBlack.I genuinely don't mind usually if you put my character's in Dreamie Folders if they are not my Sona's, Forever Homed, Already Part of a Official Story or my More Personalized characters.Do NOT use my characters/art for NFTS or AI.
(Note: Usually when I give you my design, you can do whatever you want to it)Use it for NSFW purposes (Sexual Interactions, Gore, Etc)Use the design in your own stories (You can even use the design as a fan character in any of my two stories)Resell the designMake the design into a fursuit or a cosplayUse the design as a mascot, icon, etcUse my design for non-commerical purposesThe List goes on and on....
Sell my design to anyone on my public blacklistUse my design to promote derogatory messagesUse my design that engages in unacceptable behavior like: Pedophilla, necrophilia, etc. Please message me first if you are planning on ONLY doing it for story purposes and are handling it carefullyCancel commission/trade when I am almost done or halfway through (Line-Art, Coloring...). You CAN NOT cancel unless I haven't started half of my part. This'll most likely lead me to blocking you if it's unreasonable.Any questions, concerns or anything that is not listed here, contact me or see my commission card.
Repost my artwork on a different platform with proper credits with the sole fact that it was made specifically for youYou may use my artwork that I have made for your specifically as icons, banners, etc with proper creditYou may print out my artwork if it's only for personal useAdd my commissioned artwork to the value of the characterColor pick (Slightly) + Get inspired from my color palettes as long as you add your own original flare to itGet inspired by patterns/markings on my character's as long as you add your on original flare to itYou may reference my poses as long as you're only referencing the poseUse my design for non-commerical purposes
Remove my logo/watermarkUse my art to promote derogatory messages like: Racism, HomophobiaResell my artwork as a print, merch, etc without explicit permission (Only if if the art is attached to a design, which will mean all the art goes with the design)Cancel commission/trade when I am almost done or halfway through. You couldn't cancel unless I haven't started half of my part. And I would probably just consider you an ass if you did thatAny questions, concerns or anything that is not listed here, contact me or see my commission card.
Motify, change, whatever you want from the code. I literally do not mind anythingUse my codes for reference, inspiration, etc as long as you don't heavily copy/paste large pieces of code without being motified or given their own flare.Use my P2U codes on different accounts. I won't really harp on you unless I see you redistribute it to someone that isn't youUse my codes offsite if it's for personal use only and if it's not my Crossover Series Customs. DO NOT remove my credit pleaseFrankenstain my codes with others as long as all users have the same agreement in their terms of service. It can only be for personal use and all credits have to be visible. You can also restribute my frankenstain code as long as all parties allow it and must be F2U
Remove credit entirely for my codes. I want to at least some sort of credit with it being fully visible and linking back to meRedistribute my P2U, Personal Customs, Crossover Customs codes to a user/people who are not authorized by me or have been bought from meProfit off of my F2U codes or using them for commercial use
General Critera
✧ General Things to know or to be aware of when around me.
Content Warnings
Content Warnings• Abuse (Child, Emotional, Mental, Sexual, Substance, Physical, Verbal)• Blood & gore• Death• Grooming• Explicit Violence• Hyper Sexuality/Sex addiction• Mental Health & Disorders• Explicit (NSFW Art) or Mild Sexual themes (Jokes + Suggestive content) & Nudity• Portrayals of Ableism & Racism• Suicidal themes(And more that I may have that listed here)I go over a lot of sensitive topics is the point I'm trying to get across. Mostly because I like to tell my story or at least vent through art and hope that people will understand where I'm coming from, from my experience and hopefully educate not only myself, but others as well.
Need To Knows
BYI/BYFJust in general please note that I am autistic and have ADHD and PMDD. I'm not afraid to say this as it's literally not a big of a deal in my eyes and don't really care for people that try to 'dig' at me for it. But, I just want to leave it as a 'note' because it's just so people can get some sort of 'perspective' of me and why I do certain stuff. While I do not have to explain myself to anyone as it's in my right to literally not have to, I just want to leave it here just for the sake of it.Also, I am NOT that active on social media and may have a hard time posting, lack posts or just don't post at all. Mostly because I like to just 'observe' things in my own way and there's just certain social medias that I have a hard time posting on at all due to past experiences or just for the sake of my mental health.Just use common sense, I don't have a DNI
Can you help animate/design/draw/edit/voice act for my series?
Please do not ask this. I am saying this in the most KINDEST way possible. It's mostly because I don't have enough time for any other projects than my own and me having both ADHD and being autistic (plus PMDD) is not a big help. I feel really bad declining y'alls requests, but please do not message me for something like this as I would either just ignore you or redirect you here.
Can I reference/trace/get inspired by your art and or characters?
This is a large question that may or may not change later in my answer right now.Lemme try to put this in the most simplest (and nicest) way possible. You can look at my Terms of Service for most of these questions. But, I hope putting it in paragraph format does it a little better.I do NOT mind you getting inspiration from my characters like at all. I don't even mind if you take some parts like markings, colors, names, etc; BECAUSE I DO NOT OWN THEM. It's pretty stupid to put a copyright on those things.BUT. BUT. Please make it your own. When I say this, I mean you can take parts, but please make sure the character looks completely different so it doesn't get confused as my own. I'm basically saying, take inspiration and make it your own. Or legit just ASK ME PERSONALLY if you are really that anxious or confuse on how to do it. I encourage you to do it and I promise you I will not be mad if you just come to me first and ask as I understand, especially for young artists to tell the difference between heavily referenced, inspired, copying/tracing because it can change depending on the artist. If you do trace my art, please do not post it publicly or sell it!It is less likely that I will block you, especially over such a little thing and if you are clearly a minor. I will not put you on my public blacklist or anything because I have a thing against blacklists over such little things. What I will block you for is if you continue after I asked multiple times, selling the 'traced' or heavily references artwork' or if you're an adult. I will only put you on my public blacklist if you cause major discomfort in the presence of me or others directly; basically being a pedophille, zoophile, groomer, causing me major discomfort in the past or ACTUAL being one of my groomers.
Why does your signature keep changing?
This may not be a large question, but this is just to like...avoid confusion. My signature has changed...A LOT over the years and I don't want people to sort of like, discredit my art due to the signature not being the same. So, I dug through all of my art that has signatures in it and make a timeline of them:Skyline 2022 (26 March 2022 - 4 April 2023)
- This signature is sort of inconsistent because at the time I kept forgetting to add it)
Apathy 2023 (7 April 2023)
- This signature happened like once
Glory 2023 (18 April 2023 - 22 April 2023)
- This signature happened for a bit when I went by Glory
Nefarious 2023 (7 April 2023 - 15 June 2023)
- This signature happened once in April then I retained it for a bit
Cosmo 2023/2024 (17 June 2023 - 12 September 2024)
- The second longest signature
Sheepy 2024/Present (13 October 2024 - Present)
- Present!
OR- you can just look at my art page on DetectiveHawkfrost, but that's sort of more of a pain....
What's with the name Morning, Afternoon and Evening? And why do you have so many other names like Pierce, Rime, Cosmo, Everfrost, Maelstrom, etc? & Which one's do you prefer?
OKAY- This answer to this specific question has been changed so many times that it's lost meaning. And I mean sort of literally...So personally I don't really care what you call me. Like you can pull out of a hat and call me that name for the rest of your life or like switch it up a little between names.If you want to default you can just call me: SheepyOR here's names that you can pick out of the hat which I have been called and will allow you to call me:✧ Pierce/Rime
✧ Valentine
✧ Caution
✧ Chorus
✧ Morning, Afternoon or Evening (Mae for sort)
✧ Hawkfrost
✧ CosmoTHE ONLY THING YOU CANNOT CALL ME IS SKYLINE THAT IS FOR PEOPLE I CONSIDER MY CLOSET FRIENDS ONLYIf I have not listed a specific name here then don't call me it, I BEG of you.
What programs and materials do you use?
Drawing: Firealpaca, Adobe Flash (Sketches)Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, Handbrake, AudacityAnimation: I am currently unsure right now as I'm still trying to find good animation softwares. I will see how Adobe Animate goes as I'm getting it for free for school, but otherwise I'm not sure. Feel free to give me suggestions though!Materials wise it depends on how I'm feeling. I now own a drawing tablet; Wacom One 13, it works pretty well especially for a beginner, I do have to get used to it though. But, I'm a hybrid user meaning I also draw with a mouse. My best mouse suggestions (if you are interested in a challenge or are a mouse user) would be to get a wireless trackball mouse. Specifically something similar to a: Logitech M570 Trackball Wireless! I had this mouse for a LONG while and works like a charm when it comes to drawing.
Do you take commissions? If so where can I find it and do you have anything like Patreon?
Yes! I do have commissions. You can check out my commission card at the start of my TOS and see if they'll open or closed from there. If you're in the patreon (TigersEye ✧ Syrup) then you'll get discounts up to 10% and 25%!
Are you the creator of the Crossover Series and or Cult of the Moon series?
Yes! That's me. Hellooo. Glad you asked!! CorvidBlack Studios has its own FAQ section on the website! Go check it out: CorvidBlack FAQs and CorvidBlack TOS